Friday, October 12, 2012

Miss You

Dear you,
I bet you know that I am talking to you, yea I'm talkin to you now. This is my letter for you. I wrote this letter at 11:49 pm at night, Friday night. Everyone is asleep, But I'm still very much awake now So I made you this lil stuff to talk to you, Cause I simply miss you. Yea I miss you. I maybe acted like I don't give a fuck about you sometime but I do. Yea I ignore you like shit but I thought about you like every single night. Right.

The reason why I acted like this is maybe cause I don't wanna admit the fact that I miss you and I can't afford to lose you. Yea. I just really hope you read this letter. Cause man... I'm thinking about you again right now. I don't know what else to say... I miss you


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Call From The Past

Hello World!
I wanna tell you a story about a call from the past, okay

One morning I woke up at 10 am I found my phone and I saw my phone and I got a message from a 'friend' that left me with no reason from 2 years ago. We talked, still she didn't tell me why she left, all she told me is that she missed me. We chatted for more then an hour, cause honestly, I missed her too! After an hour and 5 min passed I said that I missed her to after all, she was like crying a lil bit and She closed the connection and the last word was :

"I missed you more then you would know."

Then she closed the line, hadn't heard anything from her since the day she called.

Hope your friend never left.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Hello World!
I've just been thinking of my life in this world, and For me, the best thing to describe what happen inside it is one word, which is:


Yes, That's what mostly happen in my life man. Lets review it. I've seen my life changes up and down like a basketball this last couple of months, I've seen my friend changes from happy to depressed, I've seen shits turn to a motherfucking shit, you know what I'm saying? Changes had been around me like a friend, So I like this quote that I get from a movie, I forgot the title but it goes something like this:

"Changes is the only thing reliable in this world, its hard to find anything reliable."

Well, I kinda agree with it. I guess if you look at it, its the only thing around us that stays there. Since if we say limitless itself is a limit, then changes it self never change.

Hope Good stuff come

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Hello World!
Some of my friend asked me why I wrote shits on blog like a lost kid from nowhere that try to get attention from people, They asked why wouldn't i rap about it, I simply said:

"Some feelin are unrappable for me"

Yea, Like right now I'm kinda sad seeing one of my friend sayin that she ain't there anymore if you all know what shit im talking about right here, and a lot of shit happening in this couple of day and I kinda cover it up but Fuck it, Im writtin it here.

Hope you always be happy,

Feeling Good!

Hello World!
Today somehow I felt a very good feeling! I went to school as usual but I dunno I feel really good on this day! Man! Can't draw this shit out dawg! guess you just gotta feel this kinda shit yourself to know!


Hello World!
How ya doing ya all? I hope you all doing good! This time I wanna talk, no, ask you all about girls. Since I've never been good with em, I mean I need your advice on girls! So! I'll ask

"What do you think about girls?"

For me girls are like a glass you know, at some point they can be sharp, they can be very fragile, They can be very though and yea, girls are though! With me, I'll just try to understand their feeling! That's what I did, no, That's all I did! And maybe show a lil bit care to em, yea that's what i do! I need your advice everybody!

Hope you guys know!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Best Friend

Hello World!
This time I wanna talk about best friend. Before I start, This one is dedicated for my best friend, She had been such a good friend to me, Hope I am a good friend to her too. Alright lets start. Now as usual I'll ask you a simple question. This time it'll be something like

"What your best friend mean to you?"

What they mean to you man? Personally, for me, My best friend is just like a sibling to me man, She always been there when I need her, I am there for her too, yea, She had been someone that I can truly trust, no doubt. If she got a prob with her boyfriend I'll try to help man. Alright. Best friend very meaningful to me man, How bout for you? For this one, I ain't making any conclusion man, because I can't. Its a different meaning for peoples and its unacceptable to try to make one. So again what does they mean to you?

Hope you got a true best friend,


Hello World!
What up ya all? I hope you are doing good! Today I wanna talk to you guys about dream! First of all I wanna ask you a question

"Whats your dream?"

Well I ask this to several people and its all different. Like one of em answer Lamborghini (This guy is the same guy that have a death wish of Lamborghini), Being a model, Programmer, Rapper, and a lot more.
Personally I always wanted to be a basketball player. I think being em are cool and fun man. Okay back again.
One fact about dream I know. People who dreams are usually optimistic and believe in possibilities. Yep I am optimistic lol. Okay I asked this question to someone which is pessimistic, Man they say that dreaming is just imagining to eat when you are hungry, its pleasurable, but not gonna do anything. Well I think a different shit from that guy. I think this way

"Dream is like a blue print of what you wanna build. You are the architect, your action will determine whether the building will be erected or no."

So dreams with effort will result a good stuff. Cause our dream made the world! Never stop believing!

Hope you achieve your dreams

Monday, October 1, 2012


Hello World!
Can you please leave a comment for my post, please be honest on it, if its ugly, say what you gotta say cause, I'll need it!

Thank You


Hello World!
I talked about this in my last blog but it was shitty so I just wanna do it right now. Okay... What you know about human. Well we know that Human is made of blood and stuff. Well lets just say that Human is a very interesting species, I mean human are very complex, not just biologically but psychologically. I mean come on look! Some of us are very sensitive some considered strong some frankly inhuman. But whats the best part?


That's the best part for me! Such a colorful species we are! Even some of us share the same look (Twins), But they share different personality! Such a diversity could bring us to a very good unity man! But again the things for me that keep us from tearing each other up nowadays are:

This is the main one man! Without this, ain't gonna say it! Figure it out yourself.

To tolerate other
To tolerate means to understand each other! We are different, yes no question. But to embrace that differences and to lead em to unity is what make our species on the top of its game

To Respect
Last but not least to respect. You can love and tolerate, But without respect, it won't work at all!

So the Conclusion on this one is that Human is a great species, colorful and one of its kind. No matter what happened, never lost your hope on humanity.

Hope For Humanity


Hello World!
This time I wanna talk about something good for most of you which is Love. So lets get to it. I wanna ask you this:

"Whats the first word that comes up in your mind when you heard the word love?"

I asked two of my friend this morning about that shit and the first guy answers her girlfriend's name lol, I laughed inside but okay that's a good answer. The girl  answers: "evil". I was like "are you kidding me girl?" She said no. And the dudes next to me argued with her cause of it. Well eventually I left em arguing but I got a conclusion which is:

"Love in a peoples heart is like a white piece of paper. Then for the first time, We let someone wrote on it, We will never be the same again. It can be good for us or it can be bad. But once someone stain on it. It can alter our vision of love itself"

But no matter what man. What keeps the world running now is love. No matter how harsh this world on us, As long as we have love, we can find beauty in it.

Hope you find love everyday


Hello World!
I've got another story to tell ya all, It goes something like:

Yea people says I look cheerful. Some of em says that I'm gloomy. Some of em says that I am cold inside. Well some of em are true. People keep talkin shit on me man, like that I'm this that but I just laugh on em a.k.a don't give a fuck. Yea man. But my friend ask me a weird question it goes something like:

Whats the best shit to cheer you up?

This time, he ask me personally because She was down. Well I was confuse as usual (I know I'm suck XD) yea I think about what I'm gonna say in like what 2 awkward minute with she staring at me depressed... I said:

"I think to see people laugh in one room and being happy. I guess that's what keep the world running now"

She just stepped away without saying a shit, Do I being unhelpful? I dunno-_-

Hope you all being Happpy